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Our Services

Citizen Services

Iranian Citizens Services offers document preparation and registration of applications for passports, birth certificates, power of attorney, and other matters related to the Iranian Interest Section in Washington DC.


Iranian Military Card

Military services are mandatory for men in Iran, however, there are several reasons, one may be eligible to bypass the military service.

In some cases, there may be a need for an attorney in Iran to provide assistance in obtaining a pass on military service.

You may be eligible for a pass if:


1. You are deemed unfit to serve by a physician

2. You must take care of an elderly family member

3. You may be relieved of duty by the supreme leader

4. You are actively continuing your eduction

5. There maybe other special circumstances that must be reviewed by the Ministry of Public Duty.

Step1:  Register with Iranian Foreign Ministry Office (Learn more)

Step 2: Fill out form 001

Step 3: Provide a valid reason for eligibility to pass military duty.

Step 4: We ensure all documents are uploaded, copied, and originals are available

Step 5: We will handle all necessary logistic and mailing with the Office of Iranian Affairs

Finally, you will receive your documents by mail

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